1.1. Organise My Life PTY LTD provides professional organising services, including decluttering, organising, and space planning for residential and commercial clients.
1.2. The specific details of the services will be outlined on your invoice (“Agreement”) between the Client and Organise My Life PTY LTD (“Organiser”).
1.3. The success of the services depends on the Client’s active participation and cooperation, including making decisions and implementing agreed-upon changes.
1.4. Organise My Life PTY LTD does not provide counselling or psychological services, nor does it undertake cleaning services beyond tidying for organising purposes.
1.5. Organise My Life PTY LTD does not sell items on behalf of the Client.
1.6 Squalor: Organise My Life PTY LTD does not provide services deemed as squalor. If the Organiser believes this is squalor and we weren’t informed/ not told the truth at the time of booking, we will vacate the property and the Client will be charged in full.
1.7. Product Purchases: If Organise My Life PTY LTD purchases goods on behalf of the Client, any faults or defects in the goods are the responsibility of the retailer and not Organise My Life PTY LTD. Organise My Life PTY LTD charge retail cost+25% on all products purchased and Client must pay in full on day of service.
1.8. Third-Party Services: If the Client engages with a third party recommended by Organise My Life PTY LTD, Organise My Life PTY LTD is not responsible for the quality or performance of that third party’s services. The Client is responsible for obtaining their own agreement with the third party.
1.9. Subcontractors: Organise My Life PTY LTD may use qualified subcontractors to assist with the provision of services. All subcontractors are fully insured and are supervised by Organise My Life PTY LTD.
2.0. NDIS Participants: These Terms and Conditions do not apply to NDIS participants. Separate service agreements will be issued for NDIS services.
2.1. Safety: The Client is responsible for ensuring a safe working environment for the Organiser, including informing Organise My Life PTY LTD of any potential hazards on the premises.
2.2. Smoking: The Client agrees to refrain from smoking inside the premises in the hours leading up to and during the organising session.
2.3. Pet Safety: Animals must be restrained or supervised during the organising session to ensure the safety of both the Organiser and the animals. This includes persistent jumping, barking and licking. If an animal poses a safety risk to the Organiser, the Organiser may need to pause or discontinue the session.
2.4. Respectful Environment: The Client agrees to treat Organisers with courtesy and respect.
2.5 No Shoes off policy: Organisers cannot remove their shoes inside clients’ home.
3.1. Organise My Life PTY LTD will handle the Client’s belongings with care and respect.
3.2. Item Removal: No item will be removed from the Client’s property without their express written or verbal consent.
3.3. Accidental Damage: Organise My Life PTY LTD maintains Professional Indemnity Insurance to cover accidental damage to the Client’s property.
3.4. Item Disposal/Donation: Organise My Life PTY LTD may recommend the disposal or donation of items. The Client is responsible for the final decision and any associated costs. If Organise My Life PTY LTD is authorised to donate items on the Client’s behalf, the choice of donation recipient will generally be at the discretion of Organise My Life PTY LTD. Once is has left the clients home, it cannot be retrieved.
3.5. Waste Removal: Organise My Life PTY LTD does not remove waste from the Client’s home unless specifically agreed upon in writing and the associated costs are included in the invoice.
3.6. Client Gifts: Gifts from Clients to Staff Members are gratefully received as tokens of appreciation. However, they are considered personal expressions of gratitude and are not a part of the service agreement. As such, these gifts are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for services or any other form of compensation.
4.1. Deposits: Bookings are secured upon receipt of a non-refundable deposit.
* For bookings of 1 day: $100 per Organiser
* For bookings of 2 or more days: 20% of the total cost
4.2. Full Payment: Full payment for services is due 2 business days before the start of the session, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
4.3. Payment Methods: Accepted payment methods include cash and bank transfer.
4.4. Fee Adjustments: Organise My Life PTY LTD reserves the right to adjust fees for unforeseen circumstances, such as significant changes in the scope of work.
5.1. Cancellation Notice: The Client must provide at least 2 business days’ written or verbal notice for any booking cancellations. This can be via email, text message, or phone call during business hours (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday).
5.2. Cancellation Fee: In case of cancellation within 2 business days of the scheduled session, the Client will be invoiced for the full session fee.
5.3. Rescheduling: The Client must provide at least 7 days’ notice to reschedule a booking without forfeiting their deposit. If the Client reschedules more than 3 times, the deposit will be forfeited.
5.4. Late Rescheduling: If the Client reschedules their booking within 7 days of the scheduled session, they will forfeit their deposit.
5.5. Insurance/ Aged Care Clients: Clients under insurance agencies or aged care providers will be invoiced as per these terms.
5.6. Gift Voucher Redemptions: If services are being redeemed through a gift voucher, these terms and conditions apply, and the value of any forfeited fees or deposits will be deducted from the gift voucher.
6.1. Organise My Life PTY LTD will only collect and use personal information from the Client as necessary to provide the agreed-upon services.
6.2. Client information will be treated confidentially and in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.
6.3. Photography and Filming: Photography or filming of Organisers during the session requires their prior written or verbal consent. If consent is given, the Client must inform the Organiser of the intended use of the images or footage. Consent can be withdrawn at any time.
7.1. Organise My Life PTY LTD provides organising services based on its professional expertise and the information provided by the Client.
7.2. Organise My Life PTY LTD does not guarantee specific outcomes or results.
7.3. Organise My Life PTY LTD is not responsible for any unforeseen circumstances or events that may impact the delivery of services.
8.1. These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales, Australia.
9.1. Organise My Life PTY LTD reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. 9.2. The Client will be notified of any changes to these Terms and Conditions.
10.1. Organise My Life PTY LTD can provide the following supporting documentation upon request:-
* IOPO Membership
* Certificate of Currency (Insurance)
* Police Checks
* Working with Children’s Check (if applicable)
* Workers Compensation Certificate
* IOPO Code of Conduct
11.1. By engaging the services of Organise My Life PTY LTD, the Client acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.
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